Maybe right now…
You struggle to get your baby to sleep every day. It’s EXHAUSTING and frustrating. You’re not sure how much longer you can keep going.
Your baby’s sleep is unpredictable.
Two hours? Twenty minutes? Who knows. A consistent routine seems like a fairy tale.
You’re not able to relax when your baby falls asleep.
You listen anxiously to the monitor, never knowing what the night may bring.
You can’t remember the last time you and your spouse talked, much less went out together.
Extreme fatigue has depleted all of your energy.
You’ve tried to fix the sleep issues on your own, but it’s hard to be consistent when you’re this exhausted.
Although the feeding/rocking/bouncing route works, it’s only temporary, leaving you to repeat it again in an hour.
It’s time for a change.

What you get with your Sleep Consultation package
Plus, these bonuses:
This package is right for you, if:
- Your baby is between 17 weeks (adjusted for preemies) and 12 months
- You recognize that healthy sleep habits are essential for her physical, mental and emotional development
- You want to see progress within the first week of implementation
- You recognize that your child is tired and will protest changes, but that her sleep needs take priority and you are ready to get to work helping her.
- You have several weeks in a row that are free from appointments, travel or any interruptions.
- Your support system (spouse/partner) and caregivers are fully supportive with instilling healthy sleep habits.
- You have confirmed with your pediatrician that sleep training is suitable. (Please note; this does NOT mean complete night weaning-unless this is your goal).
This package is NOT right for you if:
- Your baby is younger than 17 weeks or older than 12 Months
- You are very uncomfortable if your baby cries (whether you’re in the room with them, or out).
- You are uncomfortable with making quick changes for your baby
- You do not have two weeks in a row that are free from travel, house guests, etc.
- Your support system doesn’t believe instilling healthy sleep habits are important or that you need outside help
- Your pediatrician has indicated that sleep training (even while keeping some night feeds) is not suitable at this time.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. It’s about helping your baby to sleep as much as their body needs for optimal health.
We do this by patterning sleep routines with their natural biological rhythms. We work on reducing their sleep deprivation with offering them an age appropriate daytime routine and bedtime.
We then wean any dependency of sleep associations that is interrupting their ability to have healthy and restorative sleep. There are important steps that MUST be in place to have a healthy sleeper.
Definitely not. There are many options to choose from for the actual sleep training method. I go over all the pros and cons of each method, along with timelines and what suits personality types. I provide all the information; but I always ask parents to choose a method that feels right for them and their family.
Great news! I also believe it’s biologically normal for a baby (or anyone else for that matter) to wake at night. There is a difference between brief night wakings that happen in between sleep cycle transitions, versus extended wakings that interrupt sleep cycles, cutting off the deep and restorative sleep that is needed for your child’s cognitive, physical and emotional development. We work at developing healthy sleep patterns and eliminating ones that are destructive.
I never tell parents to stop feeding their babies at night. In fact, I will often encourage more night feeds if I see there are signs that it is needed. Healthy sleep habits and night feeding are not mutually exclusive. I nursed all three of my children at night and they were independent sleepers.
I’m excited too! To get started, see below…
You’re tired…
Tired of trying to figure this out on your own, tired of the rocking, humming, laying on the floor next to the crib.
Tired of listening to your baby cry, tired of trying to explain your situation to other people, tired of feeling guilty about wanting to rest.
On second thought, you’re not tired, you’re exhausted. In every sense of the word.
You’re ready to take action and want guidance from an expert to help you along the way.
This two week comprehensive package is for parents who are DONE with feeling overwhelmed and stuck. They are ready for a plan of action that helps them achieve their goals with the support of an expert along the way.
Please note: Separate consults are required if you need advice for more than one child, with the exception of multiples! Refunds cannot be issued once a sleep plan has been sent.

Baby Sleep Consultation Package
Investment: $349
How It Works:
- Click to purchase.
- Once your order is placed and payment is received, you’ll receive a link to fill out your intake form.
- We’ll contact you within 24 business hours of receiving your intake form to schedule our call!
- We have our call, you receive your sleep plan, and after two weeks of support and encouragement, everyone in your house will be sleeping better!